Friday, January 19, 2007

# Thing 2 : Seven and ½ Habits

I like to learn new things and pretty much have the life long learning habits. Among the Seven and ½ Habits, I am strong in Habit 3: “View problems as challenge.” I try to view my problems as good opportunity to learn something. I don’t like to just give up without trying something when I have a problem. And I like to bet with myself to see who is going to win; the problems or myself?

Whenever I struggle with a problem, I have a habit of picturing that I would be an expert in the field of this problem. I still remember my first typing class 30years back. It was so difficult to find a key, and it took a long time for me to type a single sentence. I didn’t feel like continuing with the class, and almost gave up learning to type. But I imagined myself as a person who types really fast and well as if a pianist playing a piano. This motivated me to keep going to the class and I earned my certificate.

However, I’m not good at the last habit, “Play.” When I learn a new thing, I tend to take it too seriously. Because of this, I usually can’t enjoy the process of learning. Sometimes, I’m so busy trying to be an expert and locked to see the result for learning new things. This is a “habit” I need to practice when I am learning new things.

Actually, blogging is a challenge for me. As you know, because English is not my first language, posting something in English is a big challenge for me. But I take this problem as a good opportunity to improve my writing skill during this learning period. Who knows? When I finish this Learning 2.0 program, I could become a good writer in English. We will find out.

And I will practice the last habit by trying to enjoy learning how to blog at this time.

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